Thursday, April 9, 2020

Today, tomorrow and the day after that

    The chance to quit smoking was around me every minute of everyday, but I smoked on and on and on. Some say they love smoking. Not me. It was an addiction of course, not love. It was dependency, not love.
     The day I quit in the fall of 2013 was the first step forward. I wondered how I'd ever see smoking any differently--how could it ever stop being everything to me.
     I had to quit first in order to find the answer to that question-- detaching and letting go happened over time because addiction doesn't let go just like that. All my senses were tuned to smoking each and every hour, every day when I was a smoker. I didn't feel seperate from smoking. That first day, that first step felt like betrayal. How could I separate? Why? That's addiction.
     There is no reasoning with addiction. It has to be faced, action taken, a plan made, help sought after--addiction has to be beaten down until it is beaten to nothing.    
     No one needs a particularly special reason to quit--they are all good reasons. Quitting is about facing the addiction today, tomorrow, the day after that until the delusion that smoking is necessary is destroyed. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, this one smacked me upside my head.
